360 Pipes

5 Reasons to Hire a NASSCO Certified CCTV Pipeline Inspection Company

New York City spends over $3.5 million every year fighting fatbergs.

Having regular inspections can help you catch these oily lumps before they cause massive damage to the sewage system.

One of the best ways to do this is by hiring a NASSCO-certified CCTV pipeline inspection company. Keep reading to learn more about this and five reasons these inspectors could save your city.

What is CCTV Certification?

CCTV stands for closed circuit television. When a company is certified to work with CCTV, it means they’ve had proper training and proven their knowledge and ability to operate one of these systems.

How a CCTV Camera Works

Simply put, a CCTV camera is attached to a camera tractor. Then, the camera is lowered into the sewer through an access pipe or manhole.

The inspectors move the tractor around the sides of the sewer pipeline remotely. Once the inspection is complete, the tractor goes in reverse to exit the sewer.

Why Hire a NASSCO-Certified CCTV Company

There are a number of benefits of CCTV pipeline inspections to help you avoid costly repairs. Here are some of the reasons you may want to hire a pipeline company with a CCTV certification.

1. Spot Line Breaks

A NASSCO-certified CCTV pipeline company will have highly-trained professionals that can use video to see exactly where there are any breaks in the sewage lines so you can act quickly to identify the problem.

2. Locate Leaks

Spotting wetness on the ground, floor, or walls is fairly easy. However, finding the source of the leak is much more difficult.

That’s where a CCTV inspector comes in. They’ll be able to get in and see exactly where the problem is coming from so it can be addressed.

3. Prevent Blockages

The best way to avoid costly blockage removals is to prevent them from happening in the first place. Regular inspections can help you see what’s going inside pipes while a big problem is still a small one.

4. Save Money

Hiring a certified NASSCO and CCTV pipeline company will help you save some money since won’t need to hire multiple excavation companies to figure out what’s wrong with your pipes.

Instead, you’ll know what’s wrong so you know who you need to call and what you’re dealing with from the beginning.

5. Fast and Precise

Getting right into the pipes to see what’s going on is the fastest way to resolve an issue with your sewage lines. This allows you to get to the root of the problem as early as possible.

The reason this type of inspection is so fast is that it’s also precise. By being able to see visually what’s going on and where the problem is, all the guesswork is taken out of the inspection process.

Need a CCTV Pipeline Inspection?

Now you know five reasons why you should hire a NASSCO-certified CCTV pipeline inspection company. As you can see, regular inspections you can avoid blockages and solve plumbing problems more quickly.

If you’re in need of a CCTV pipeline inspection, contact us. We’ll be more than happy to answer any additional questions you may have about our services.

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